- بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
- Bismi-llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm
- "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."
Home remedies for flu. Less medicine - stronger immune system.
The first step to treat the flu is to find the reason it attacked you. In most cases finding the reason and taking appropriate actions will immediately give you a relieve. Typically the body gets sick when:
1. It's been overwhelmed by daily activities.
In this case do not force yourself to work, cause this might lead to more severe sickness. Remember, if you loose money, you can always make them back. But if you loose health, you will never get it back.
In this case do not force yourself to work, cause this might lead to more severe sickness. Remember, if you loose money, you can always make them back. But if you loose health, you will never get it back.
2. You had a fight with someone. Got hurt by words or actions.
The best solution in this situation is to ask for forgiveness, even if you were right. If you can not find power in yourself to do that, then pray and ask God The Exalted to forgive you and help you solve the problem.
3. There is something that bothers you but you can't tell anyone.
By keeping this secret inside your health condition might get worse. Do not talk to human, instead talk to God The Exalted. But make sure no one is around you to hear.
4. There is an unsolved problem.
God The Exalted provided solutions to all problems in The Holy Quran. Just read it and you will find the way.
5. You have money issue.
In this case always remember lives of the Prophet Mohammad (saws) and sahabas (ram). Those were the most pious people on the face of the Earth but Allah (SWT) tested them with poorness and hardships to give them better place in Jannah (Paradise). Try to look at other people around you, who have even less than you and thank Almighty Allah for everything else you have.
6. You are forced to do something you do not want to.
You have a right to like or not like something. If someone forces you to do something against your will, tell him/her straight that this does not make you happy. If for some reason you can not do that, then turn to Allah (SWT) and ask HIM to solve the problem. Verily God The Exalted is The Best Solver.
7. Lack of love or attention.
It will be better for you to honestly tell your family about your feelings. And remember, the one who gives love receives it back.
There are million other reasons why your body might get sick. It depends on each individual. However, there is always a way to find it. If you feel like you have no clue what is wrong with you, stand on the prayer rug, put your head to sajdah (prostration) and open your heart to God The Exalted. Only by looking inside your soul you will be able to find the answer. In some cases you are afraid to admit the truth because it is shameful or judged by the society. But you do not have to hide it from Almighty Allah, because HE is All-Hearing and All-Knowing. God the Exalted knows what you reveal and what you hide in your heart.
After you find the reason for your sickness look for solution to it in The Holy Quran. Allah The Greatest provided solutions to any problem in this life and here after for us in this amazing book.
you have specific medical conditions or under medication, check online or ask your doctor,
if it is safe for you before proceeding to any further steps!
1. Stay Hydrated
First think to remember when you have fever is to drink lots of fluid. Weather it's warm tea, juice, water or something else. I would not recommend soda, because all sodas contain chemicals which might have stronger effect on your body while your immune system is low.
First think to remember when you have fever is to drink lots of fluid. Weather it's warm tea, juice, water or something else. I would not recommend soda, because all sodas contain chemicals which might have stronger effect on your body while your immune system is low.
Do not drink anything hot, it might increase your temperature.
Very cold drinks might give you sore throat.
2. Undress Yourself
Take off all clothes. You can leave underwear. Do not cover your body with any blankets even if you feel like it. It will increase your body temperature. High fever for a long time is very dangerous. If the fewer is mild and you shivering without clothes then use a bed sheet to cover but nothing thick and heavy.
Take off all clothes. You can leave underwear. Do not cover your body with any blankets even if you feel like it. It will increase your body temperature. High fever for a long time is very dangerous. If the fewer is mild and you shivering without clothes then use a bed sheet to cover but nothing thick and heavy.
Never cover yourself while having high fever.
Take off all clothes.
3. Cool Down
Make flat sheet wet with cold water and cover your whole body until the sheet becomes warm. Then rinse it again with cold water and repeat several times until you feel relieved.
Make flat sheet wet with cold water and cover your whole body until the sheet becomes warm. Then rinse it again with cold water and repeat several times until you feel relieved.
4. Lower Body Temperature
If you can not bear the feeling of your whole body feeling cold then make wet a piece of cloth with cold water and constantly rub: head temples, neck, both elbow pits (antecubital space), arm pits, knee pits, and feet.
If you can not bear the feeling of your whole body feeling cold then make wet a piece of cloth with cold water and constantly rub: head temples, neck, both elbow pits (antecubital space), arm pits, knee pits, and feet.
5. Use Herbs
This herbal balsam with menthol is excellent fever reliever. Rub it all over your body for fast results. It helps to cool down and sleep. You can get it HERE.
This herbal balsam with menthol is excellent fever reliever. Rub it all over your body for fast results. It helps to cool down and sleep. You can get it HERE.
Never perform any warming procedures (like drinking hot tea, breathing with steam, using sauna etc) while you have high fever.
Never perform any warming procedures (like drinking hot tea, breathing with steam, using sauna etc) while you have high fever.
Fever is body's natural reaction to any bacteria inside. Regular flu bacterias die while you have fever. So you have to let your body at least 1-2 days to fight the bacteria inside. However having high fever for a long time might cause severe damage to the body. If after you tried all home remedies to drop you body temperature down but it did not work, you have to immediately see a doctor for additional check up of your health condition.
1. Breath With Moist Air
The best way to clear stuffy nose is to breath in moist air. There are several ways to do it at home.
The best way to clear stuffy nose is to breath in moist air. There are several ways to do it at home.
Do not perform this actions while you have fever.
Use old cooking pot or any other metallic container. Make sure the handles are plastic, because you might burn yourself if they are metallic. Boil water in it. Add vicks - it's good if you have liquid one or you can use cotton stick to mix some of the vicks vaporub into the water. You can also use any other cream or liquid that contains menthol. Put your face over the pot and cover your head with a towel, so there is no space for a fresh air to come in. Continue breath in the steam for 10-15 minutes.
Tips: Have dry clothes ready, change the clothes right after you finish the procedure.
Have napkins near by to clean nose.
Boil whole potato. Break it to pieces after it is cooked. Put yourself over the pot and cover head with towel. Breath in slowly the steam for 10-15 minutes.
Tips: Have dry clothes ready, change the clothes right after you finish the procedure.
Have napkins near by to clean nose.
Do not eat the potato afterwards.
Use pot with plastic handles not to burn yourself.
You can purchase a humidifier in any local pharmacy. I would not recommend to throw a towel over your head while breathing with it's steam. Usually humidifiers produce strong steam that might cause skin burning. However, you can stand near it and breath with the steam on a safe distance. Add some vicks vaposteam or similar medication with menthol into humidifier for better result.
Steam inhaler can be purchase at local pharmacy. It is the easiest way of breathing with moist air. Add couple drops of vicks vaposteam or similar medication inside and keep breathing with steam for about 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to blow your nose as soon as it starts running.
To help your baby with a stuffy nose use bathroom. Open hot water in the shower. Close bathroom door. Use towel to close the space under the bathroom door. Come back after about 15 minutes. There will be steam in the bathroom. Hold infant on your arms and let him/her breath with the steam. The sign that the room is warm enough is when you see your baby's nose running.
Make sure the room is not overheated for infant. You should be able to see everything in the room clearly.
Never put your child under hot water.
Never keep your child close to hot shower.
Never stand with an infant inside shower room with hot water running.
Never perform this procedure, if your child has fever.
2. Clean Nasal Passages
Wash nasal passages with water. This will help you to get rid of bad fluids that are deep inside.
Wash nasal passages with water. This will help you to get rid of bad fluids that are deep inside.
Make sure the water is warm. It should not be hot neither cold. Fill your hand with water. Close one nostril and "drink" the water with the opened nostril. Then blow your nose. Repeat several times until you feel light burning in the forehead. Then continue with another nostril.
Another way to insert water inside nostril is to use neti pot, syringe bulb, or any plastic bottle with pointed tip.
Another way to insert water inside nostril is to use neti pot, syringe bulb, or any plastic bottle with pointed tip.
Use saline drops several times a day to thin the mucus in your nasal passages, which decreases the inflammation of your blood vessels and helps empty fluids. If you don't have saline drops at home, you can use regular water and salt. Mix quarter of tea spoon salt into one glass of warm water. Mix well. Use syringe bulb to insert couple drops into nostrils.
3. Pressure Points
Massaging pressure points on the face will help to relieve stuffy nose. Follow yellow dots on the picture to find these points. Make at least 10 circular massaging movements with your finger tips on each pressure point in both directions.
4. Nasal Ointment
Massaging pressure points on the face will help to relieve stuffy nose. Follow yellow dots on the picture to find these points. Make at least 10 circular massaging movements with your finger tips on each pressure point in both directions.
4. Nasal Ointment
If you feel like the previous steps are not enough, you can rub nasal ointment inside nostrils. There are many over the counter nasal ointments. However, if you happen to have vicks vaporub or any other essential oil with menthol at home, it will work.
3. Drink Hot Spicy Tea
Hot spicy tea helps to open stuffy nose. Add into green or black tea
these ingredients: mint, ginger, cinnamon, lemon juice, honey, black pepper.
Or you can use lesser ingredients - whatever you find at home. Spicier the tea is faster it will help to open stuffy nose.
When your nose starts running immediately blow it.
If you are not used to hot spices, use them less for the first time.
Do not give hot spicy tea to children.
1. Breath With Moist Air
This method described earlier under the chapter "Stuffy nose". To effectively relieve sore throat pain inhale moist air throw the mouth.
2. Gargle Salty Water
Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water. This method temporarily relieves a sore or scratchy throat. Children younger than 6 years are unlikely to be able to gargle properly. Gargle salty water 2-3 or more times a day to kill the bacteria in the throat.
3. Drink Mint Tea
Prepare green or black mint tea. Mint effectively removes sore throat pain. If your nose is also stuffy, add into the tea these ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, lemon juice, honey, black pepper. Spicier the tea is faster it will help to open stuffy nose.
When your nose starts running immediately blow it.
If you are not used to hot spices, use them less for the first time.
Do not give hot spicy tea to children.
4. Use Hot Topical Analgesic
Apply ointment like Vicks Vaporub
on the neck and cover with scarf. Use cotton stick for applying the
ointment and wash hands immediately after the procedure. This topical
analgesic is very hot and might irritate eyes.

1. Breath With Moist Air
method described earlier under the chapter "Stuffy nose". For this
method to help with coughing inhale moist air throw the mouth.
2. Keep The Chest & Back Warm
get rid of coughing use heating pads on chest and back. Look at the
picture for correct position of the heating pads on the body.
To make heating pads at home you will need - newspaper or printer paper, ground mustard seeds, water, towel/scarf.
1) Take 2 table spoons of ground mustard seeds.
2) Boil the water.
3) Add 1 tb spoon of boiled water into mustard seeds and mix until you have substance similar to thick sour cream.
4) Leave the substance for 10 minutes.
5) Cut from paper rectangles to fit your chest and back as on the picture above.
Apply the substance of mustard seeds and water to one rectangle to
cover it completely. Use very less of the substance to make heating pads
7) Cover this rectangle with another one and slightly push on the top.
8) You completed 1 heating pad. Continue making as many as you need.
9) Do not make more heating pads than you need now. The substance will dry and be useless.
10) After all heating pads are ready take a bowl of warm water.
11) Deep each heating pad one by one into the bowl and immediately apply on the body.
12) Tide the heating pads with scarf or towel to stick firmly to the place where they must be.
13) Lay down for about 15 minutes or until the heat is unbearable.
14) Remove and recycle heating pads.
15) Apply olive oil or vaseline on the spots.
16) Wear sweater or something warm.
Never apply heating pads on the bones.
Immediately take off home-made heating pads, if the heat is unbearable.
Never apply heating pads on the heart. Avoid front, back, and side area of the left side.
Never walk outside in the cold after the procedure.
This method is prohibited while having fewer.
3. Feet Sauna
Keeping feet warm is one of the secrets for stopping the coughing. Always wear socks while coughing. Applying hot topical analgesic like Vicks Vaporub will also help keeping feet warm. Feet sauna is effective method.
1) Take any plastic tub.
2) Fill with hot water (not boiling. water must be bearable for feet to be in).
3) Add ground mustard or liquid vicks or ginger juice.
4) Deep your legs into the water and cover with blanket, so water won't get cold too soon.
5) Use feet sauna for about 30 min.
6) Keep adding boiled water to keep the water temperature high.
7) After you are done with feet sauna dry feet and wear warm socks.
4. Drink Spicy Tea
Prepare green or black tea. Add these ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, lemon juice, honey, black pepper. The tea must be hot. Sip slowly or use table spoon.
When your nose starts running immediately blow it.
If you are not used to hot spices, use them less for the first time.
Do not give hot spicy tea to children.

5. Drink Honey Butter Milk
Butter milk helps with sore throat and coughing. It must be hot. Use tea spoon or table spoon to drink it. How to make it:
1) Take 1 cup of milk.
2) Add 1 tb spoon of unsalted butter.
3) Add quater tea spoon of baking soda.
4) Add 2-3 tb spoons of honey.

1. Kill Bacteria in The Air
Cut half of the onion in small pieces and leave in bedroom. Onion will absorb the bacteria from the air while you sleep.
Cut half of the onion in small pieces and leave in bedroom. Onion will absorb the bacteria from the air while you sleep.

2. Eat Garlic
To get rid of flu bacteria inside the body chow one clove of garlic at least twice a day.

3. Drink Onion Juice + Honey
To get rid of flu bacteria inside the body mix onion juice with honey. The substance must taste more like onion than honey to effectively fight the bacteria. Squeeze onion juice with garlic squeezer and mix with honey. Take 1 table spoon at least 3 times a day.

Immune system is bodies' natural protection against flu and other sicknesses. If the immune system is strong, it will help the body to get rid of the virus. Vitamin C helps to boost immune system. Multi vitamins supplements are very important to take when you are not ill but more important when you got flu.
1) Vitamin C
Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and tangerines have natural vitamin C. Eat them a lot when you feel ill.

2) Vitamins C, E, A
Vitamins C, E, A in a large amount give a powerful boost to immune system. When you just start sneezing or feel week take 10 vitamins at once. Repeat for 2-3 days. It will stop the flu from spreading. You can get a good amount of vitamins in 1 capsule at this link: http://aisha.usasib.com/Antioxidant_Protection
But be careful it is gelatin capsule, so open the capsule and eat the vitamins. Do not consume the capsule, because it is not confirmed weather it's halal gelatin or not. The vitamins have tasty sour taste.
3) Multi-Vitamins
When buying vitamins pay attention on 2 things: 1) amount of the vitamin per capsule written on "product ingredients" label. 2) If the capsule does not contain gelatin. Gelatin is usually made of pig fat and is haram. It must say that the vitamins are "kosher", "halal", or "vegetarian". You can find affordable halal multi-vitamins on this website: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/kosher?kw=multi+vitamins&sort=offerprice
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